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On a rainy day, when Mai got stood up by the guy she likes, she met a beautiful girl who told her that she was the Rain and that she had come because of her tears. After that Mai's days were filled with the bitterness of betrayal, only the memory of the girl called Rain can somehow ease her heart. A story of a brief love affair under the rainy season.
Sore wa Moroku, Utsukushikatta.
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A heartwarming story of a young man and a boy who met in a certain abandoned building. It's mostly soft scenes in the abandoned building, but graphic depictions of sex between the two main characters are included.
Death of a School
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If you wished for your own death, how would you like to go? Here is one boy's encounter with a grim reaper... If you wished for your own death, how would you like to go? Here is one boy's encounter with a grim reaper... Show less
Heir to the Cabbage Patch
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In a town where quite possibly no one is normal, a trio of sisters receive an odd inheritance: a penniless orphan. (Published 1973)
Dead Heads
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First issue of a canceled series; collected (in thumbnails) in Blame and So on (Artbook) First issue of a canceled series; collected (in thumbnails) in Blame and So on (Artbook) Show less
Girls Be Lovely!!
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From Divine Sanctuary: Having to move schools from the Countryside to Tokyo, Chinami realizes that 'being like a girl' is quite vastly different!? From Divine Sanctuary: Having to move schools from the Countryside to Tokyo, Chinami realizes that 'being like a girl' is quite vastly different!? Show less
(From Sweet-Lunacy) Armelia is an orphan girl who sings for work. One day, she met a boy, Luce, and falls in love with him. Unfortunately, Luce was kidnapped by the notorious pirate, Scar. Armelia swears to herself that one day she'll rescue Luce. But the truth is not what she th...  (From Sweet-Lunacy) Armelia is an orphan girl who sings for work. One day, she met a boy, Luce, and falls in love with him. Unfortunately, Luce was kidnapped by the notorious pirate, Scar. Armelia swears to herself that one day she'll rescue Luce. But the truth is not what she thought it was... The second story is called Haru wa Sakura and it's about a meeting between Shou, who wants to become a physician, and Sakurada Sakao, who desires to make his fortune with his own hands. A delightful oneshot! Show less
Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight - Twinkle Star
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Maya and Claudine have a heart-to-heart conversation with each other about who they are and what their future holds. [Doujinshi] Source Anime: Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight
Naruto - From the Sea Mist (Doujinshi)
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Read left to right! Created for the 2015 UchiSaku Fest, this is a one-shot ghost story about a young Sakura who interacts with a ghostly Madara on a deserted beach. It's a melancholy rather than scary tale, with the romantic aspects left as implications. (There are two comedic omake extras.) Translated with the permission of the artist.
Vampire Rose
From Loyal Kiss: "Supernatural things don't exist in this world!" Kahou Mira absolutely hates all things supernatural, so why does Hikaru-sempai keep pursuing her to join the Supernatural Research Club?! But one day, Mira barely escaped the clutches of the White Rose...  From Loyal Kiss: "Supernatural things don't exist in this world!" Kahou Mira absolutely hates all things supernatural, so why does Hikaru-sempai keep pursuing her to join the Supernatural Research Club?! But one day, Mira barely escaped the clutches of the White Rose Academy vampire, Rose. Now, she had no choice but to join the Supernatural Research Club with Hikaru-sempai for help! And they unravel much more about Rose they never knew before... Show less
Traded to the Sheikh (Harlequin)
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In order to meet up with her sister and her husband, who live in politically unstable Zimbabwe, Emily travels on her own to Zanzibar. Her biggest mistake is to accept the charming words of a French trader who offers her a free ride in a yacht in return for her services as a crew member. This man turns out to be a drug dealer, and after being exposed by the sheikh, the trader offers Emily as a gift! The sheikh thinks she is a prostitute, and her attempts to convince him otherwise fall on deaf ears. And now, she finds herself held captive in the luxurious palace...!
I Adopted A Villain Dad
I entered a novel in which the heroine who reincarnated as a saintess has to walk on a thorny path. 'Yeah, nope!' I, who decided to walk on a flower path, abandoned the original frustrating family and adopted my bias as my dad in our first meeting. "You, be my daddy!" The story's final boss and villain! But now he's just my dad. Fufu. "Daddy, why is your name also daddy? So cute." "What did you eat for breakfast? Handsomeness?" {a pun that i'm too lazy to explain} As I dream of a happy ending for Daddy, there's just one more huge obstacle… The existence of the hero who would kill the final boss. Now that it's come to this, let's save my bias and the hero as an addition! If I have time, maybe the world too! However… "I'll kill you if you approach my daughter." ...Daddy keeps on raising the death flags. "You should take responsibility since you tamed me." Somehow the hero is also obsessed over me, just what's going on…? [hr][i]Note: This is a oneshot promotional manhwa for the novel of the same name [/i]
The Desert King's Blackmailed Bride (Brides for the Taking I)
Polly goes to the desert kingdom of Dharia to look for her father. However, in the airport, she's summarily seized and taken to the palace. There she meets the handsome King Rashad. His sharp eyes and dignified stature make Polly's heart race. Then, while she's staying at the palace, he suddenly proposes. Polly, whose heart has been captured by him, agrees to marry, but their relationship is merely a practical affair. To Rashad, the marriage fulfills a royal duty. Still, Polly believes that one day her love will reach him...
The Markonos Bride
Louisa comes to this beautiful Greek island to visit the grave of her son. On the summer of her seventeenth year, she'd been there as a tourist, where she fell in love with rich and powerful noble Andreas, conceived his child and then married him. But their marriage ended abruptly after only two years with the death of their son. Now, Louisa shakes off the bad memories and steps off the ferry onto the island, only to be shocked: Why is Andreas here, when she was told he would be away? She hasn't spoken to her husband even once in five years, and she finds a maddening mixture of hatred and love for him stirring in her heart.
Jingle Bell Bride?
Today is Dilly's wedding. The preparations were all steadily underway when she discovers a shocking truth from a conversation between the groom and her father. He proposed to her because he had his eye on some reward? It was all a plan devised by her father because he was worried about his thirty-year-old, single daughter. Thoroughly humiliated, Dilly runs up the aisle and out of the church still clad in her wedding dress. She jumps into the white limousine that was supposed to be used for her honeymoon and instructs the handsome chauffeur to drive away. Dilly just isn't meant to fall in love. She'll never be able to get married. While staring in astonishment at Dilly's angry antics, chauffeur Mick is roped into playing the part of her groom...?
The Boss's Baby Affair
Candace was hired by the extremely charming businessman Nick as a nanny to look after his daughter, Jennie. Nick had just lost his wife and favored work over looking after his daughter, giving Candace a cold first impression. She tries desperately to make him acknowledge his fatherly affection, but her words go in one ear and out the other. Angered by Nick’s apathetic response to his daughter, Candace lets loose a secret she hadn’t meant to spill: she is Jennie’s real mother!
From Art of Life: After bumping into Fuumai, Ise finds himself in quite an interesting situation: sex for money. Yes, it really is just sex, or can feelings change over time? And what happens when one falls in love with the person buying them? Ise is about to discover what it ...  From Art of Life: After bumping into Fuumai, Ise finds himself in quite an interesting situation: sex for money. Yes, it really is just sex, or can feelings change over time? And what happens when one falls in love with the person buying them? Ise is about to discover what it feels like to be in love with a person who only thinks of him as a mere toy. Show less
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